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MakeYourEra Records - Dance Music Label

MakeYourEra Records

MakeYourEra. The record label founded by Vibe Chemistry

Vibe Chemistry is taking his love for dance music, drum and bass and new sounds of music to a whole new level after launching his new record label "MakeYourEra."

The multi-talented artist, producer and DJ, Vibe Chemistry, releases a wide range of new flavours and sounds to add value to the music industry. Vibe Chemistry, based in the UK, is bringing the very best opportunities for every artist who signs a record to MakeYourEra, with a dedicated team to empowering artists and providing each track the very best opportunity to succeed. Utilising modern marketing methods, MakeYourEra stands out to many artists as a brand new way to operate record labels, we provide guidance and encouragement, especially for independent artists, so they can reach their full potential.

Vibe Chemistry's record label MakeYourEra, a content day with all the drum and bass producers and team
Vibe Chemistry's new record label MakeYourEra

MakeYourEra. A content day with Vibe Chemistry, his team and the first artists to release on the brand new record label. Kick starting the beginning of the record label with a huge amount of drum and bass.

Within the first 6 months, MakeYourEra has huge success stories that are unheard of in the UK music industry. With records such as Phonk on Maurizzle's EP and Diamonds on Magenta's EP, both these releases have some incredible results, it really goes to show nurturing artists can go a long way! These records has been added to huge Spotify and Soundcloud playlists!

Supporting New Talent

We enable artists to become established, recognised and respected within the industry of music. Many of these records have been played out LIVE in Vibe Chemistry's DJ sets and the crowd reactions are showing how important it is to play new sounds.

MYE In-The-Mix

MakeYourEra In-The-Mix is a content opportunity for artists to showcase their talent to encourage bookings, promote their music and creative sounds. Many event promoters in drum and bass are seeking up-and-coming artists. These mixes are available on MakeYourEra's YouTube channel; not only showcasing their newest releases but also reflecting their capability to put a great performance on for club nights, raves and festival season.

To listen to our most recent releases, click here for our >> Spotify Playlist.

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MakeYourEra MYE records logo
Our label is dedicated to releasing some of the most forward-thinking, cutting-edge drum and bass music around
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